Art Galleries
Castine, Maine is the home of many fine artists. A trip here is not complete without a visit to one of the many local galleries. The painting featured here is by Josh Adam of the Adam Gallery. He does many beautiful paintings of Castine and the local area. Other galleries to visit are listed here:
Gallery B
Featuring contemporary fine art by local artists. 5 Main Street. Open Tues-Sat. 10am-5pm & Sun.12pm-5pm. And check out her Annex Arts, featuring artists in residence on Water Street.
Adam Gallery
Paintings by Susan Adam and Josh Adam. 140 Battle Avenue. Please call for hours (207) 326-7123.

Movie Theatres
It’s rare to find the old, small-town Maine movie theatre, but here in Downeast we are lucky to still have our thriving, vintage movie houses. There is the Historic Alamo Theatre in Bucksport, home of the “Silent Movie Film Festival,” The art deco Grand in Ellsworth, and the newly reopened Colonial in Belfast. If you are in Rockland, see the Strand; Reel Pizza in Bar Harbor, and “The Opera House” in Stonington.

Castine is blessed with two fine museums, the Wilson Museum and the Castine Historical Society. The Wilson Museum has a plethora of worldly, anthropological curiosities. Our guests enjoy the Castine Historical Society and their permanent installation of the Penobscot Exhibition as well as their rotating exhibitions on our town’s rich history. In Stonington there is the Granite Museum, which chronicles the age of granite commerce in the state. Off to Bar Harbor, don’t miss the Abbe Museum and the native American narrative on the peninsula. In Ellsworth you’ll find the Telephone Museum and the Woodlawn Museum. In Blue Hill there is an excellent example of late early American architecture in the form of the Jonathan Fischer House.

Live Performances
The Blue Hill Peninsula is lucky to have several opportunities to attend live performances.
The Bagaduce Theater in Brooksville offers “an exciting roster of plays from timeless classics to cutting-edge scripts” in a rural setting.
The New Surry Theater in Surry, Maine, draws crowds every summer to see four or five season plays as well as four or five staged readings.
In Stonington, the Opera House provides live music, dancing and theater each summer right in the heart of a downtown lobster village.
And don’t forget—at the inn on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there’s always live music!